Today... boring
I am going to try and post daily, though I really don't have much to say. This is mostly just to appease Kim Lea. National Nacho Day went with out a hitch... it was delicious. The guy who brought cheese didn't bring enough or something because it took a long time to cook so by the time it got done cooking there was hardly any left. Oh well. Next week is Sundaes!! I get to bring hot fudge and carmel. At R.E.A.C.H. one of my kindergarteners had a huge break through. He has a speech impediment which slows his learning severely. His parents never taught him the alphabet before school... teach your kids the alphabet before they start school or the chances of them being held back increases (some teachers say). Every Friday when I meet with him we usually just try to work on the alphabet. I figured out a way so he doesn't get too discouraged. You have to give him something to look forward to, just the littlest thing works. So I told him if he got his ending sounds we would play Ants in Your Pants. He did so well. He likes to cheat because he thinks its funny, so since he kept getting them right, he kept thinking he was cheating, it was hilarious. He told the teacher he cheated, I had to explain to her!! Yea... that was my day... life is great... ME!!!!
Verse of the Post: Thus, the Lord has made me glad through thy work. Psalm 92:4