A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Friday, March 03, 2006

Today... boring

I am going to try and post daily, though I really don't have much to say. This is mostly just to appease Kim Lea. National Nacho Day went with out a hitch... it was delicious. The guy who brought cheese didn't bring enough or something because it took a long time to cook so by the time it got done cooking there was hardly any left. Oh well. Next week is Sundaes!! I get to bring hot fudge and carmel. At R.E.A.C.H. one of my kindergarteners had a huge break through. He has a speech impediment which slows his learning severely. His parents never taught him the alphabet before school... teach your kids the alphabet before they start school or the chances of them being held back increases (some teachers say). Every Friday when I meet with him we usually just try to work on the alphabet. I figured out a way so he doesn't get too discouraged. You have to give him something to look forward to, just the littlest thing works. So I told him if he got his ending sounds we would play Ants in Your Pants. He did so well. He likes to cheat because he thinks its funny, so since he kept getting them right, he kept thinking he was cheating, it was hilarious. He told the teacher he cheated, I had to explain to her!! Yea... that was my day... life is great... ME!!!!

Verse of the Post: Thus, the Lord has made me glad through thy work. Psalm 92:4

Thursday, March 02, 2006

National Nacho Day

Tomorrow at work my department is bringing stuff for nachos!! Two guys and I dubbed tomorrow National Nacho Day... why, I haven't a clue! I get to bring the chips! Yea! So, anyone can come have nachos in my department... Today was a pretty boring day at work. This guy named Sean Murphy (and I actually call him by his first and last name) and I shot random questions back and forth. It was pretty exciting... no not really. It does tend to make the day go by faster though. Today is Alex, Aaron (my brother) and Sara's mom's birthday. I was the first one to wish Alex happy birthday and I tried to be the first one to wish Aaron... but his girlfriend stole my thunder and beat me... she did it at like 12:15... cheater. Aaron tried to convince me to get him something for his birthday and not give a full payment to Jackie for my car... I just laughed. I got Alex his ATF ticket. Well, I don't really have much else to say, but Kim was giving me guff about not posting... so yea... ME

Verse of the Post: And you will be hated by all for my namesake, but he who endures to the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22

Monday, February 27, 2006

MY ramblings

Alex is awesome... he is the sweetest boyfriend ever!!! Thats all... ME

Verse of the post: Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My day at the hospital

Yesterday, I went to work with my mom! If you don't know what my mom does, she works at Mercy hospital. She works in the dialysis unit. That is where people come if they have had kidney failure from diabetes...usually from being non-complient with their diets and stuff. So, she hooks people up to machines that cleans their blood for them. They come in and are on machines for like 2-4 hours. I got up at 3:45 a.m. to be at her work by 5! She let me do a lot of stuff when I got there. I got to string machines and get stuff ready for her first shift of patients. Patients are very demanding... which doesn't make sense. Aren't patients supposed to be patient? One person refused to get dialysis that morning because she would have to get out of bed. One person's wife was freaking out because she didn't want her husband to be cold... which makes sense, but he ended up getting so hot he asked us to turn it down. One person's daughter (and this is all in the first shift of people) asked me to come over. She must have thought I was a nurse (which is sooo cool) because she was telling me how her mom was jittery and had had a bad night of no sleep and to please be gentle. Her mom was afraid that she wouldn't wake up if she went to bed. Pretty much the whole time in the room (which is for 3 hours) she was non-coherent. After the first shift left, we ordered pizza and had lunch. Then I got to help set up for the second shift. One patient came in that really impacted me. This lady was 28 years old. She had cancer all throughout her body and also needed dialysis... this is all at the age of 28!!!! They had just told her this week that she had no more then 2 weeks to live! If she stopped dialysis then she would die peacefully in 2 days, if she continued she would live for no more then 2 weeks and she would be in pain the whole time. I felt so sorry for her because she kept moaning and groaning when she was laying there. Finally, after she saw another patient get off their machine, she got off. I was so worried and couldn't understand why she would cut it short. Mom said that it didn't matter because she didn't have long to live and she was in pain, there was nothing left they could do for her. I couldn't believe how skinny she was, I almost started crying the second she came into the room. Here is this almost anorexic looking girl, tatoo- covered laying there helpless. She wasn't saved which broke my heart even more, but tomorrow if she is still there... which I earnestly pray she is, that Mom will take me down there so I can let her meet my Father... my Jesus!!! Well, that's all I can remember to tell... so ... ME!!!

Verse of the Post: Salvation is of the Lord. Jonah 2:9