Food Day/ Pay Day
Tomorrow is food day at work! I am so excited. I am bringing little smokies... yum yum! Aquire the Fire was spectacular... one of the best years. This was my 6th year going... and this year I got to be a chaperone. The message this year really taught on how to apply your Christianity to everyday life... tools you need. The skit was about two brothers who lived passionately for Christ. They were being persecuted for their faith. It was great because people would ask them questions that people really do ask... but I never knew the answer to. Like when people say you are narrow- minded, one of the brothers says, " I am narrow-minded the path is narrow and straight." I came with expectations that I wanted God to show me and help me with and He did just that. God really does work in mysterious ways. Jesse Murray and I hung out... we got volunteer shirts!! Tomorrow is church I can't wait. I have to call the College Planning Center also so that way I can get my Financial Aid squared away. There is so many things I need to do before I go. I have a science placement test and a foreign language placement test. Yea, foreign language is poopy. I only took two and a half years of Spanish. I can't think of anything else to write so... have a blast... ME
Verse of the Post: Do not fret, it only causes harm. Psalms 37:8b