A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Friday, January 20, 2006

At mi padres

So... right now I am sitting at my dad's house just chillin on his computer! I have some brownies in the oven and some movies waiting to be watched!! I haven't been here in 6 months and man I missed it here! My dad's dogs Walter, a standard poodle, and Dude, a jack russell terrier are here with my dad's girlfriend's dog Jack, a gigantic black lab!! It is so much fun here even though Mom and Dad had to get through a snow storm to get me here... mis padres are great! Tonight Dad, his girlfrined, and I are going to watch Willy Wonka and Polar Express. It should be great. Well I don't have much to say... until next time... ME

Verse of the Post: Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me!