A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Monday, November 28, 2005


I am going to try to go along with Ryan's Alexmas theme... write everything after the introduction... maybe give it a different point of view! Alexmas... it's a celebration that everyone counts down. Little boys and girls create decorations to commemorate and celebrate! Much preaparation is taken, every detail thought of... thinking of wait to wear. When he arrives... he sneaks up on you... your almost unprepared! (He snuck into my house Wednesday night) The nervousness and ecstasy you feel overwhelm your senses. You spend days around him, getting to know every detail... every branch (family tree... get it) of his life. Hours are spent basking in his presence. People get out their sweaters (in Sara and my case it was green). People even make specials meals in honor of him (mash potatoes and chicken noodle soup... mmmm!) You get up early hoping to spend as much time with him as possible... time flies. Then the merriment is over... you try to hold on as long as possible... but he slowly slips away... in a loud, thundering beast!!! Until his return.... ME!!

Verse of the Post: And Jesus said, "Give me a drink"