A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I haven't posted in awhile... no one will probably even see this!

So... I am at the school right now... trying to work on a paper... I am a little stumped on trying to find the ego integrity of my patient! School is so difficult. The more people I talk to, the less I feel hopeful. The only thing my teacher (who has never even been a nurse) says is "Thats what NCLEX would do. I have two semesters until I take the N-CLEX and this is the first semester they have even begun to really prepare us for. This new teacher just throws us in head first with no water wings or anything. People that are used to getting "A"s are getting a "C", because a C is like an 82 and below. I am so overwhelmed and needed to just write it all down... clear my head and then I will pick my paper back up and hopefully finish it. I have 3 hours until class and am a good portion of the way into the paper.
This morning, I was waiting outside, because I forgot to grab my badge, and right after Alex pulled out a clinical instructor pulled up. She asked me if I had my badge, and I said No that is why I am waiting outside. She looks around and says that she left hers at home, must be on the dining room table. I pointed at her shirt, kind of afraid and said It is right there on your coat. She looks down and kind of smiles and says I must be on autopilot this morning. I had to laugh, she is so funny, I had her for CNA class as well, a lot of students don't understand her. She is a very old fashioned nurse and is known for sending people home if they forget absolutely anything.
Anywho, life is pretty hectic right about now. Alex and I are moving into yet another apartment, kind of hope this one lasts more then 4 months. The only draw back is there is no washer and dryer in the unit, and I was kind of looking forward to one. Oh well! Our house is a pit right now, the poor cat needs a litter change. He just looks at me every time he has to go in that box. I probably need to buy a new litter box... we have had it more then a year and it is plastic so it just soaks the smell up. My mom and Sara are going to help me get everything ready to move next Thursday. The day after a really big, important test. I need to get the house clean so it is even suitable for other people. Alex and I have been working a crazy amount of hours, I worked 30 last week on top of school and all that. CRAZY! Well, okay, I am out of things to say, and am feeling like I need to get back to that paper. Have fun...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hey... I made a slideshow for my myspace so I decided to put it on my blog... its pretty cool, I put it to music on myspace, but I don't think it would work on here... so here are some clips from our wedding

Mariah McGinnis


Friday, November 03, 2006

I am bored

Alex is in class right now. I have nothing to do, so I have been surfing the internet. We are going to Denver on a photo field trip the 18th. The only reason I get to go is because I went to a couple meetings. Alex kept telling me I should go to the meetings because he was the president so I do. I am now president of this health club called Peak Performance. It is pretty cool. Since I am president, we get to do whatever I decide kinda. Last week, we all got smoothies from smoothie king for free. I am going to get shirts made for the club... so then I can have some more free shirts!!! It is a pretty fun club... although I am not the healthiest person in the world. Alex and I are having a lot of fun just being with eachother. Everyone complains now because they hardly ever see us. Last weekend, a guy we know gave us his condo for the weekend. It was in Granby, CO. It was way nice. The room was a loft, which was pretty cool and it had a whirlpool bath tub. Alex and I made cookies because there was an actual stove... we haven't had the privilege of using one of those in a while. I can't wait for Sara to have her babies!!!!! We will be home for Christmas break on the 16thish. We are flying in for 132 dollars round trip. My dad said he would pay for half off our tickets for Christmas!!! The only thing that stinks is we have nothing we can do with our fish, so I guess we are going to give them to Petco. I am so sad. We have three bettas, 2 males and a female. They are pretty cool. When you talk to the female she comes on the side of the tank you are and starts showing herself off and waiting for you to feed her!!! On Tuesday I found out that my dog of thirteen years has an aggressive cancer and they were saying mom would have to put her to sleep in the next few weeks. I am praying that God will heal her and that I would get to see her this Christmas. So.... yea I have nothing else to say besides Keisha is the best dog ever... and the cutest with her overbite... well bye

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm back... atleast for now

I haven't posted forever, so I wonder if anyone is going to check my blog to see if I posted. College life is pretty good. I really only like one class, that is biology. I don't even have to take it and it won't count towards my degree! Oh well!!! The dorms are great. So much goes on here. Alex and I spend so much time together! Our marriage has grown so much! It's amazing... I love being married to Alex! Today we hiked up to Hanging Lake! It was such a hard hike. I kept having to stop to rest because the altitude messed with me so bad. We hiked a total of 2.4 miles and rose in elevation of 1,020 feet. It was so beautiful. The hike up there was worth the hour and a half it took. After that a bunch of us all went out to pizza. We got two 18 inch pizzas. Between 5 people we ate all the pizza. One of the other guys also got a pound of chicken wings, then he went out to ice cream. He was crazy. Now Alex and a bunch of people are playing Risk. I am so tired. Church is pretty good here. It is way different then PT, but the worship is wonderful. Well, I don't really have much else to say, except for I've eaten cafeteria pizza too much... YUCK!!
Mariah MCGINNIS!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Hey, sorry I haven't written in so long. Alex is hanging out with his parents today and I'm cleaning my room and hanging up pictures. Alex took these pictures for a film class that have a letter in every picture that spells out "I love you" in sign language. They are pretty cool. We have a lot of things done for the wedding. The invitations are taking forever because we get busy and we are trying to find a quality place to print. I took my rings in yesterday to get sized and put together. Alex got his ring all picked out... he wants to wear it before we are married. My graduation is in a week and my grandparents, aunt, and cousins will be here Tuesday. They are all so much fun. I keep trying to go tanning but everyday I try to go something comes up or I am too tired. I can't wait to get my diploma, though I'm not sure what day I will get it. Someone said that last year they handed them out on the last day of school so that way nothing happened at graduation. Well I don't have anything else to say so bye... ME

Monday, May 01, 2006

Marriage ain't a track meet.. It's a marathon

I can't wait to be married. Alex gets home in 4 days. We start our marriage counseling shortly after. We have 53 days 18 hours and 31 minutes remaining til we are married. This planning has really come together. We have all the significant, time-handicapped things done. Trust me, we didn't do it alone!!! Marriage will be hard... but fun, too! College classes and stuff have alined themselves so well with Alex and my plan! If I really wanted I could actually finish my pre-med schooling in 3 1/2 years. I haven't quite decided if I am going to do that, though. After I get done at Iowa, I have another 4 years at Des Moines University. When I look at it in terms of my age, I really don't think it will take that long. I will be 25ish when I start my residency. That doesn't seem bad to me. I can't wait to start college next year. School will be fun. I pretty much already have my schedule laid out for next year. Alex is almost done with his first year of college. 1 more day left. I graduate this month. It's weird, I've always been so excited about graduating high school, but right now marriage seems way more important... graduating just seems weird. Don't get me wrong, I'm way excited, but my focus has shifted entirely. Today I can officially say that I am getting married next month. That sounds so cool. Well, I want to go to sleep. So ttyl... Me!

Verse of the Post: Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:3

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Too Long

It seems like it is going to take forever for Alex to come home... muy deficil. This is the hardest break I think of them all. Oh dear, it won't ever end... probably because I know that this is like the end... the last stretch. Oh well, so anywho... my friend that I haven't seen in a really long time came over and saw me. It was so weird... we got out a scrapbook I made with pictures of us growing up. I have known her since I was two. It was fun... her boyfriend came with... and he seemed like a really good guy... Friday we are hoping to hang out.. go get some pizza... for free!! Wedding planning is quite time consuming but I am so thankful for all the people that are helping Alex and me!! God is great!! Last night was church... PT's message was good... he continued his series about the Holy Spirit. A new guy started at American Equity on Monday, he is pretty cool. He still says excuse me when he walks by... that will wear off though. In my job I walk past the same three people so much that it just seems so redundant. We had a food day on Tuesday... I brought 'lil smokies... yum... one guy brought french silk... that was delectable too!!! As I re-read this, I definetly am figuring out I am just all over the place... that was the first thing I had to work on when it came to essays and timed writings... In timed writings you had 40 minutes to write a well- written rhetorical analysis. It is hard because you have to look for certain things in the prompt (the peice which we wrote from) and plus worry about all your grammar and mechanical errors... on top of that I am a horrible speller. My teacher, who has her masters or something and helps edit women's novels, is too so it kinda always worked out. We wrote these essays 2-3 times a week in school... man, I loved that class... it was the best class I have taken in my whole school career!!! Well... yea... so I haven't posted forever because Alex was here and I spent all my time with him... then he left and when I am not planning a wedding, I'm talking or thinking about him... he is soo time consuming and he doesn't even have to do anything. Well, I don't really have much to say... so have a great day... ME

Verse of the Post: I know that my Redeemer liveth Job 19:25