A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Thursday, March 09, 2006


I said that I was going to try and post daily... yea that lasted 2 days! Yesterday was a great day. After work it was raining and I almost talked myself out of going to church... I'm so greatful I didn't. Before church PT was ushering the Brancheaus into the sanctuary so they could be on time and I said the Rices are on time... yea I'm the only one. He said that he was including me in that.... awww he is so cool... he's my DLO! Then he told me I could sit with him and Vicki during service. That was also fun... Vicki kept feeding me mints! His message was so good, I kept thinking of things that I was going to ask him later and he would answer them in the next sentance. The Holy Spirit is wonderful. After church, Brenda, Cahlen, and I talked about books. I want to read more Frank Perretti books. Mom comes home tonight, I am so excited. She has been gone way too long!! Today, I had to work... nothing exciting. After that I had an interview for Dollars for Scholars where the school gives you free money. After my interview the man said off the record you earned your money. So, yea, I'll be getting some free money... I like free!!! Nothing else exciting. Tomorrow is Sundae Day so tonight I have to go buy toppings for ice cream. I have nothing really else to say, except for Alex needs to hurry up and call me because I really want to talk to him... oh my golly.... ME

Verse of the Day: You are the light of the world, a city on a hill can't be hidden... it gives light to all who are in it. Matt 5:14-15


At 9:10 AM, Blogger Brenda said...

Hey Mariah I just heard about Dollars for Scholars yesterday. I heard about it at the Red Cross Heroes of the Heartland breakfast. I went to school with the founders daughter. So that means I have known him for a very loooooooong time. LOL
Congratulations on your scholarship.


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