A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Monday, January 30, 2006

A Lesson

God is great all the time. All the time, God is great. What does that really mean? To some people, it means God is great sometimes; to others only when they rely on Him. I have been learning lately... or well trying to learn, that God is literally great ALL the time. This may be a simple concept to the wise, but for me it is a hard thing to FULLY grasp. I like to rely on me... which causes my flesh to take over... oh boy! watch out there. God has been testing me on things that He knows I can only rely on Him for. No matter how much I tell people problems, they can never FULLY understand. They can relate, but since God is dealing with me on the matter, it's my issue (plus everyone deals in different ways.) He has been trying to teach me to rely on Him alone and along with that will come patience and all the other Fruits of the Spirit. He has been stretching me to be discipl(e)ined in His word so when things get a little rocky I don't even have to be worried about relying on me because I have THE Omnipotent's manual! God has been pressing me to get deeper and deeper in Him so that way when I experience new things out of my comfort zone, I have a steadfast footing on the Rock of Salvation. College is coming up and I won't have my Church family to keep me accountable... I'll have my relationship with God so I need to be wholly insync with Him. Well, that's all for today... ME

Verse of the Post: No one is holy like the Lord, for there is none besides You, nor is there any Rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2


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