A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Today was in a word... fun! I went to school today and it just whizzed by. I got to take Kenzie to school and it was a total blast. She was hilarious. We watched Bora (not Dora) together and laughed at Swiper (Swiper no swipeing)! She made a hand puppet and a princess crown! We went home and just hung out till Sara got off work. The whole time she cracked me up. She walked around my house in her business suit, being a kid in a grown-up's body. Kenzie has gotten so big! Well, then 4:00 rolled around and her mom came and got her:*( Then, I called Ashley Perkins and we hung out. Let me just tell you... if you need your liver worked out... hang with her... she's hilarious! It was so simple, perfect! We were supposed to baby sit Kenzie while Layne and Sara went on a date, but then Layne felt he had to be the youth pastor and plans came to a halt! So, while Layne was out saving the world, Sara, Ashley, Kenzie, and I had some stuffed- crust pepperoni pizza... mmm...! After that Ashley and I went to Des Moines to the mall. It was so much fun... no one had to try to impress anyone else... we could just be US! I got an outfit for $20! I was sold! Then, we went to Target and meandered through all the scarves and hats! We drove back to Adel to pick up her car! For like an hour, we just sat and talked and were real. She gave me some good advice and we just shared our lives. We are both on the same page on some stuff... and that was cool! God has blessed me with people like Ashley... they keep your head on and we just have a total blast. Well, get a liver workout... Me

Verse of the Post: And you will be hated by all for My name's sake, but he who endures to the end will be saved! Mathew 10:22


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

What is this I hear?

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

Who is this person you are seeing?

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your user name it's perfect!
I love you Little grain of Rice,, Dad


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