A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Winter Wonder Land?

Snow... what a mind- boggling thing! I remember when I was like 6... snow was a beautiful creation... it was like money (to me) falling from the sky. Rich, glorious snow, cascading down from an abundance of blue. I remember playing in the snow... building forts, chairs, and snowmen out of it. We always told people never eat the snow covered in yellow then laughed gleefully. Asking the plowmen innocently, "Push the snow my way cause your my hero." Now, snow is nothing but a car-wrecking, icy tragedy. Everything about snow disgusts me... no more snowmen... cause all they do is melt away to bottomless disappointment. Plus, snowmen steal your gloves, hats, and scarves when they liquify. Driving is the worst ever in snow. People don't know how to drive, and they swerve all over the road like maniacs. Plowmen use the snow as a prison to trap a person's car in. It just baffles me how an icy wonderland could turn into a frosty incarceration. Well, have a safe drive... Me

Verse of the Post: Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalms 51:10


At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi i was just scrolling threw blogs
because i want make one and found yours, I like it a lot it's so touching, It was just lovely.
I think that i will put your blog on my favorite's and watch it allways.

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

take it from me ( cause i know ) don't eat yellow snow


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