A Grain Formerly Known As Rice

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Yes, I have become a hypocrite. I got one of these silly man journals, or in my case, a diary. I don't really know what to say... not much has happened today. I got paid and my work gave us cool little $25 gift certificates to Dahl's! I was pretty excited. I just got back from Jackie's 11 year sobriety birthday. It was cool to hear recovered alcoholics talk about submitting their lives to Christ. After the party, I went over to Jeremy and Jessica's to see their baby room. It looked really cool. I couldn't get my shoes untied for like 15 minutes... it was so frustrating. I get to take Kenzie to school on Thursday! It will be so much fun. We are going to make dirt cups out of pudding, crushed oreos, and gummy worms! After that Ashley Perkins and I are going to hang out and spend my gift certificate to Dahl's and buy some good snack food! Friday, my youth group is going to have a scavenger hunt... My De is coming with... it will be exciting. Well, bye for now... Me

verse of the post... according to my earnest expectations and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death Philippians 1:20


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

This is a one of a kind blog.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Ryan Brancheau said...

Are you really that good at html or did Alex help you with your links?

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the name of your site


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